Nick Hatzigeorgiu 应用

Tiles Pro 1.3
The classic memory game. Three sets of images and five difficultylevels.
Memory (Butterflies) 1.2
The classic memory game. With butterflies!For kids and grownups.Large pictures look great on a tablet.Also check our Pro version with three image sets and 5difficulty levels:market://details?id=gr.hatzigeorgiu.memorypro
Karyotakis 1.2
Kostas Karyotakis (Greek: Κώστας Καρυωτάκης, October 30, 1896 –July 21, 1928) is considered one of the most representative Greekpoets of the 1920s and one of the first poets to use iconoclasticthemes in Greece. ============ Greek: Η εφαρμογή αυτή περιέχει τασημαντικότερα ποιήματα του Κώστα Καρυωτάκη. Ο Κώστας Καρυωτάκης (30Οκτωβρίου 1896 – 21 Ιουλίου 1928) ήταν Έλληνας ποιητής καιπεζογράφος. Θεωρείται ως ο κυριότερος εκφραστής της σύγχρονηςλυρικής ποίησης και τα έργα του έχουν μεταφραστεί σε περισσότερεςαπό τριάντα γλώσσες.
Evglotton 1.3
Evglotton application for ILSP
Cavafy Poems 1.5
The poems of the Greek poet Constantine P. Cavafy (1863 – 1933). InGreek. A similar application contains both the Greek originals andthe English translations:market://details?id=gr.hatzigeorgiu.cavafyeng P. Cavafy, also known as Konstantin or KonstantinosPetrou Kavafis, or Kavaphes (Greek: Κωνσταντίνος Π. Καβάφης) (April29, 1863 – April 29, 1933) was a renowned Greek poet who lived inAlexandria and worked as a journalist and civil servant. He is nowconsidered one of the finest European and modern Greek poets. Hispoetry is taught at schools in mainland Greece and Cyprus, and atuniversities around the world. E.M. Forster knew him personally andwrote a memoir of him, contained in his book "Alexandria". Forster,Arnold Toynbee, and T.S. Eliot were among the earliest promoters ofCavafy in the English-speaking world before the Second World War.In the panorama of twentieth century poetry, Cavafis' work occupiesa special place. Dark, lonely to the limit of self-segregation, butat the same time attracted by the Mediterranean vitality andopenness, the neo-Hellenic poet refuses en block every aspect ofhis time, diving instead, with constant wonder, into thesuggestions of mythological legends and ancient history. The resultof this literary operation is the continuous, desperate search fora mysterious and elusive Beauty, an evocation of hidden moments andloves sung now with violently sensual accents, now with heartfeltand nostalgic tones, mixed with a tragic vision of history aseternal struggle between men and destiny.
Tiles 1.8
The classic memory game.
Synekdemos 1.7
Contains the Greek calendar and books that are used by the Churchof Greece.
Greek Services 2.0
Text of Greek Church Services
Andreas Kalvos Poems 1.3
Poems of Andreas Kalvos
Psalms 1.6
The Book of Psalms in Greek. You can mark texts as "favorites"usinglong press on the list of psalms. ====== Οι Ψαλμοί τουΔαυίδ,Ελληνική μετάφραση των Ο'. Περιλαμβάνει τους 151 ψαλμούς.Επιτρέπειεγκατάσταση στη κάρτα μνήμης. Διαθέτει αναζήτηση. Διαθέτειλίστα"Αγαπημένων" (με παρατεταμένη πίεση στη λίστα των Ψαλμών).
Dionysios Solomos Poems 1.1
The poems of Dionysios Solomos